Please mark your calendars with the following dates.
December 18, 2024 – Pelican Yacht Club, Seaway Dr., Fort Pierce. Installation of Officers and Holiday Lunch.
Board Meetings - Meetings are every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 10 AM, unless otherwise noticed. These dates could change if there are conflicts with other events or it is determined that there is no need for a meeting.
Membership Meetings - Membership Meetings take place the third Wednesday of the month’s below and location is to be determined. All elected officials and staff are invited.
Classes/Seminars - Watch for Future Notifications
Executive Board Meetings
These meetings are scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month, however, only held if needed. The Executive Director will notify you if she needs a meeting, but please keep the dates open on your calendar. The time is 4:30 pm and location is determined at the time the meeting is called or can be via Zoom. If you are on the Executive Board, (Past President, President, 1st and 2nd Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) please place the date on your calendar.